GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: src/Representation/MessageType.h
Date: 2025-03-14 12:18:05
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 1 1 100.0%
Branches: 1 2 50.0%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /***************************************
2 Auteur : Pierre Aubert
3 Mail : pierre.aubert@lapp.in2p3.fr
4 Licence : CeCILL-C
5 ****************************************/
7 #ifndef __MESSAGE_TYPE_H__
8 #define __MESSAGE_TYPE_H__
10 #include <ctime>
11 #include "phoenix_data_stream.h"
13 namespace MessageType{
14 ///Type of the Message which can be exchanged by Daemon
15 enum MessageType{
16 NONE = 0, //Nothing to do
17 STOP = 1, //Stop the Daemon properly (it can stop current work before stopping)
18 KILL = 2, //Kill the Daemon (it will not stop current work properly)
19 PING = 3, //Check if an other Daemon is Reachable
20 PONG = 4, //Answer of a PING
21 MESSAGE_CONFIRMATION = 5,//Confirmation that the message of certain id was correctly distributed
22 API_DISCOVERY = 6, //Request the API (data and callable functions) of the Daemon
23 API_DESCRITPION = 7, //Send description of the API of the given Daemon
24 ADD_DAEMON = 8, //Add a Daemon in the map of all known Daemon
25 REMOVE_DAEMON = 9, //Remove a Daemon in the map of all known Daemon
26 CALL_DATA = 10, //Ask for a Data value of a Daemon
27 RESULT_DATA = 11, //Result of a Data value from a Deamon
28 CALL_FUNCTION = 12, //Call of a function on a Daemon
29 RESULT_FUNCTION = 13, //Result of a called function from a Deamon
30 ERROR = 14 //Error on a function call from a Daemon
31 };
32 }
✓ Branch 1 taken 28 times.
✗ Branch 2 not taken.
100 PHOENIX_DATA_STREAM_ENUM(MessageType::MessageType)
36 #endif